Our Mission

We believe inventory planning is broken today - Merchants face a setup of overseeing multiple warehouses, suppliers, channels – but no support in aggregating all of these together.
Hundreds of tabs, and a lack of integration results in a slow, painful planning process and a poor operations experience.

We’re crafting a delightful collaboration experience that brings back magic into the supply chain & inventory ops.

Meet our Team
Building the future of operations

Our passion is building software to enable better supply chains for the world.

Leon Hergert
Leon Hergert
Co-Founder & CEO
Paul Dietrich
Paul Dietrich
Co-Founder & CPO
Pascal Schindler
Pascal Schindler
Co-Founder & CTO
Felix Grote
Felix Grote
Founding Business Developer
Leon Voland
Leon Voland
Founding Engineer

Meet our Investors

+ great Angel investors from the e-commerce space.

Put inventory decisions on autopilot today

Avoid stockouts & overstock, improve inventory visibility and save time.